Sunday, July 19, 2020

Eye Can See!


Today, with my left eye, I was able to read letters on an eye chart for the first time in a year and a half. Six surgeries after my retina detached my eye is finally stabilizing and beginning to act normal.  Though I am beginning to have sight again, the doctors tell me it will not be 20/20 or even close to what I can see with my right eye. Still, I feel blessed that I can see anything out of that eye. Next week the doctor will shoot lasers in my eye for about three minutes to resolve an issue and then I will need one more surgery to remove some scar tissue on my retina. That will happen in September. Then I will have what I will have. Apparently, I will reach my best vision six to eight months after the surgeries are complete. I will have decent peripheral vision which helps tremendously with my depth perception and driving. I will have to wait to find out what my straight-ahead vision will be as that is where the worst of the scarring is. In this crazy tumultuous year, I am at least, literally, seeing some good news.