Monday, March 23, 2015

Learn Oil Painting Without the Mess and Cost: No Fuss Oil Painting Class at Jack-in-the-Pulpit Studio

At Jack-in-the-Pulpit Studio, starting in late April, you can learn how to oil paint without all the fuss of material costs and mess.

No Fuss Beginning Oil Painting (6 Sessions)

Have you ever wanted to try oil painting? Have you hesitated because of the mess and cost of materials?  Learn the basics of oil painting in a relaxed and supportive environment without purchasing materials. Materials are provided and you can keep your wet messy canvases at the studio until they are dry. Class includes instructional demonstrations, discussion and plenty of time to paint. Class will cover choosing subjects, creating a composition, and mixing color while working your way through the different stages of creating a painting from start to finish. At the end of this class you will feel comfortable approaching a blank canvas and creating your own unique painting. And you will know if you want to invest more in oil painting.

Wednesdays, April 22 - May 27, 2015
6:30pm - 9:00pm
Cost: $175
Register for and see other classes here