Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Donated Plants

The students in my recent classes have been so generous.  Here are some plants that have been donated to Jack-in-the-Pulpit Studio:

African violet


Dried plant parts: holly, rosehips, pine cones, tree bark and seeds

Shamrock - leaves are closed as it is a night class
Christmas cactus from Claudia
I have also received two vines from my sister that are in intensive care at the moment before being unleashed on my students.  I have purchased another shelf unit to hold them.  Maybe some day Jack-in-the-Pulpit Studio will have a plant library - you will be able to take one home to work on your assignments.  I will be adding gardens in my backyard this summer that we will be able to draw and paint. Plants are always welcome, as long as they are healthy and come without hitchhikers (aphids, scale, etc.).

Thank you so much to these students who have donated these plants. Jack-in-the-Pulpit Studio is supposed to be more than what I can create alone. 

Monday, January 27, 2014

Class Demo - Sketch to First Wash

This last week I worked with the Introduction to Botanical Watercolor class, showing them how to proceed from a sketch, to transferring a drawing to watercolor paper and then applying the first wash of color.

This African violet plant is my subject.
This is my sketch of the plant - locating and plotting the shapes
I transferred the sketch to tracing paper while changing and improving some shapes.

Here is the drawing after it was transferred to watercolor paper and a first wash of color is added.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

10 Minutes 'Til Sleep: Bed Post

The top of a bed post out at the farm.

10 Minutes 'Til Sleep is a series of ink drawings created from my bed just before going to sleep.

Monday, January 20, 2014

10 Minutes 'Til Sleep: Delilah

Delilah, my dog, chose to sleep in my room one night. Usually she sleeps in the living room. She was gone by morning.

10 Minutes 'Til Sleep is a series of ink drawings I make from my bed just before going to sleep.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Art Classes: Drawings Made During Class

Here are a few drawings that I made during class demonstrations and drawing time.  If you are interested in taking a class at Jack-in-the-Pulpit Studio, check the schedule here.

Ink Drawing of bromeliad leaves

Ink drawing of leaf coming off stem

Negative space drawing

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

10 Minutes 'Til Sleep: Light Switch

The light switch on my bedroom wall has the plate removed in order to paint the walls. This is what it looks like from my bed.

10 Minutes 'Til Sleep is a series of ink drawings created from my bed just before going to sleep.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Drawing: The Basic Elements Class

Here are just a few photos from tonight's class, Drawing - The Basic Elements.  This was the first class and we worked on developing our observational skills, understanding line and how our different pencils work. It was a very pleasant evening of gesture drawing, contour line drawing and creating thumbnail sketches.

Blind contour line drawing of a plant - I think.

Working hard

Working large on gesture
Not too late if you want to join us

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Jack-in-the-Pulpit Studio Final Update

Here is the final update on the class space before classes begin on Tuesday.

Here are two of the chairs. Colorful wooden Windsor chairs.Very comfortable.

This is the eastwall that you enter through. Here are the old original window and slice of siding. And the clock, small bookcase and bulletin board. The bright green room down the hallway is the bathroom. Yes, our own private bathroom!

This is the north wall with tables.

And finally the south wall with closet and a view of the hallway. And the small but growing plant collection. Soon there will be a second set of shelves with more plants I am very excited to be teaching in this space!

There is still time to register for a class! Check the schedule here.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Jack-in-the-Pulpit Studio - Studio Update

With less than a week before classes start, here are some pics of the teaching art studio almost done.

Here are two shots of the two sides of the teaching studio. It has a very pleasant feel to it. Tomorrow I will be installing one more set of tracklights and finishing a couple of electrical things.  I am working on creating a pleasant balance of warm lights for ambience and bright cool lights for seeing and making art - just part of making the best private studio in the Twin Cities for learning techniques to create fine art and botanical art. In the daytime, the windows let in wonderful sunlight.

Another wall of the studio. Here you see the door (sans knob - soon to come), a small bookcase, an original window in the original exterior wall of the house and a slice of the exposed original siding to the house (built in 1900). The bookcase will have art and botanical books. Above the books will be a bulletin board and clock.  Here people can find information about the groups and businesses Jack-in-the-Pulpit Studio is partnering with: Minnesota State Horticultural Society, Terrace Horticultural Books and Dreamland Arts Theater. The clock, well, that will be to tell time.

This is the door to the teaching studio (sans knob - soon to come).

I have a matching door to my private studio off the same hall (sans knob - soon to come).

We re-stained the stairway and will hopefully paint the walls this weekend.

Yes, there is a lot more work to do, like stripping and painting some trim. Here is an in-progress shot.

There has been much work done to make this studio a great place to teach and to learn. Several people have volunteered their time and help.  One former student (and future student, I hope) is donating some cabinets and a microwave. This weekend I will be picking up chairs and tables. This spring, we will be getting out into the yard and making gardens to paint in. I hope you can be a part of this fun adventure to provide quality art instruction.  Classes start next week - click here for info.